Program Outcomes


Find What Moves You was designed to specifically support the outcomes below. These outcomes and the program activities that support them were directly informed by three key theories- scan down to learn more!

  •  Participants will have the opportunity to complete physical activities that support choice
  • Activities are created to help participants feel competent in their own bodies which can help create more enjoyment and intrinsic motivation for physical activity
  • Participants will try practices that teach awareness and acceptance of thoughts and physical sensations
  • Activities may allow participants to find mindfulness through their mental and physical experiences
  • There will be lessons about kindness and overcoming challenges to help build a sense of belonging among peers and instructors. 
  • Participants will learn various strategies for noticing one’s unique strengths which can improve body acceptance and appreciation.

Program Activities

Program Outcomes

Physical activities that support choice and feeling competent

Activities that build awareness of thoughts and physical sensations

Lessons about (self)kindness and self-acceptance

Understanding that every person has unique strengths and talents


Enjoyment of and intrinsic motivation for physical activity

Mindfulness of their mental and physical experiences

Sense of belonging among peers and instructors

Feeling appreciation for their bodies

Theories behind the Find What Moves You Program:

Developmental Theory of Embodiment

Finding a positive connection with, feelings about, and appreciation for your own body can help people navigate various social, mental, and physical restrictions that can make it difficult for people to authentically express themselves. More info here

Self – Determination Theory

Two girls bent over, walking together and smiling

Feelings of autonomy or free choice, competence in one’s body, and meaningful social connections contribute to intrinsic motivation for physical activity and psychological well-being. More info here

Monitor and Acceptance Theory

Four girls dancings on the playground

Being fully present in one’s body which includes both awareness and acceptance of one’s thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations can support intrinsic motivation and overall well-being. More info here

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