Details for Parents

Why was this program created?

Girl jumping and smiling on the beach

Now more than ever, adolescents are facing increased social pressure to meet unrealistic standards.

During this stage of life, they may feel isolated, have lower levels of physical activity, struggle with body image, and experience decreased mental, physical and social well-being.

We created FWMY as a positive way to help participants navigate this challenging period of development and feel good in their own skin.

“This program does something that I don’t know how to explain but it just makes you end the Zoom [call] with peace and positivity inside you that everything happening is normal and okay”

-Past Participant

Girl stretching in front of computer playing a yoga video

Find What Moves You is…

  • A way for them to discover how they like to move

  • An opportunity to form social connections

  • A time to be real and share the experience of growing up

  •  A place to learn strategies to feel confident in their own skin

  • A pathway to begin finding their authentic voice

  • An inclusive environment for participants with a wide range

    of abilities and backgrounds

Questions? Contact us at

“I felt reassured and less confused about how I was feeling about the world”


- Past Participant

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